Articulating the “who & what” we are here to become.
Life Mission I uncovers who we are, and what we have come to do. We look at how to stay on path and avoid alternate paths, and the vehicles to unfold our Life Mission. Discover your strengths, gifts, golden shadows, motivations, intuition and spiritual awareness/aliveness. We work in this course with archetypes, sacred practice, ritual, mentors, self-talk, self-rules, beliefs, attitudes, support systems, and step by step maps to uncover and create our dreams.
The Life Mission I is designed to empower us in uncovering true self-awareness and living our unique life-purpose and destiny. Life Mission relates to every aspect of our life. It is our purpose and vision and how it affects our self, family, friends, community and the world. It is our spirituality and how we bring that to right livelihood and relationships. Life Mission is finding the purpose in all we have gone through, all we have become and embracing the stewardship of our unique gifts.
In addition to Outer Life Mission training, this course includes skills for becoming aware and developing our Inner Life Mission; the inner work that allows us to reach the highest possibility of embodying the qualities necessary for living and accomplishing our Life Purpose. While our Outer Life Mission addresses “why am I here?” and “what have I come to do?” our Inner Life Mission reveals, “Who have I come here to become?”
The Inner Life Mission training includes levels of shadow work, ashes work, inner navigation, imaginal and spiritual practices, to develop the attunement to accomplish our Outer Life Mission. The synergy of Inner and Outer Life Mission is what enables us to manifest the Vision, Mission, and Purpose for what we came to manifest.
Finding our Life Mission means finding our hearts desire, and the gifts we bring to our world.
It is finding the peace and joy that comes from knowing we are finally living our dream.
Pre-requisite: Level II.

Articulating the “how” we uniquely can live our Life Mission in daily life. Life Mission II empowers how we take action! We will receive sacred practices and tools for tracking and maintaining momentum, daily feedback, and guidance on working through old patterns, life storms, relationships and self-esteem issues. The Life Mission II is designed to bring fun and joy to the process of checking in with ourselves, finding the right question, making decisions and choices, moving our comfort zone, accessing creative ideas, dreams, and synchronicity in our lives, setting goals and creating the step by step plans to achieving them.
Life Mission relates to every aspect of our life. It is our purpose and vision and how it affects our self, family, friends, community and the world. It is our spirituality and how we bring that to right livelihood and relationships.
Life Mission is finding the purpose in all we have gone through, all we have become and embracing the stewardship of our unique gifts. In addition to Outer Life Mission training, the retreat include specific training for becoming aware and developing our Inner Life Mission; the inner work that allows us to reach the highest possibility of embodying the qualities necessary for living and accomplishing our Life Purpose. While our Outer Life Mission addresses “why am I here?” and “what have I come to do?” our Inner Life Mission reveals, “who have I come here to become? “The Inner Life Mission training includes levels of shadow work, ashes work, inner navigation, imaginal and spiritual practices, to develop the attunement to accomplish our Outer Life Mission. The synergy of Inner and Outer Life Mission is what enables us to manifest the Vision, Mission, and Purpose for what we came to manifest.
Finding our Life Mission means finding our hearts desire, and the gifts we bring to our world.
It is finding the peace and joy that comes from knowing we are finally living our dream.
Pre-requisite: Life Mission I

Discover and embody who you are here to become. Life Mission III is an exciting week-long journey of empowering our heart’s longing for self-disclosure, by unveiling the Why, the How and the Way of our Hearts. Life Mission III is the artistry of designing the Way we live our life and how we want to embody the Good, the True and the Beautiful in everything we do. Life Mission III is about refining our Inner Life Mission, the who we are to become, so we may feel the daily inspiration and connection to Spirit, which is the all important Why.
In exploring the Science or techniques behind a Way, we will discover the skillful means of map making and navigating the fields of life, learning how life works. When we bring the why of our hearts to the how we are being called to act in our world, our life becomes the Way.
We will joyfully and safely explore our life as high art thru many disciplines, including: Community, Acting, Drawing, Film, Cooking, Music, Dance, Writing, Painting, Gardening, Storytelling, Sewing, Arts, Singing, Poetry, Sculpture, Crafts, Weaving, Architecture, Folk Art, Science, Healing, Relationship, Ceremony, Finance, Politics, Teaching, and more! As we bring the gifts, insights, lessons and disciplines of these walks to the “Ways” of spirituality and to the revelation of our personal “Way”, we will enter into sacred ceremony and practices from many sacred traditions- tea ceremony, Zen driving, the “Book of Hours,” personal vigil, Native American ceremony, etc…
A “Way” to walk our life mission, in all of the “Ways” of our life, as a Work of Art and high Spiritual Practice.
Pre-requisite: Level II

Are you excited and energized by the idea that as we collectively come together to co-create in service to what we love (inwardly and outwardly), we empower and move our Life Missions forward?
If so, join us as we explore the ways to move our inner and outer Life Mission to find our “company of players” and answer the Call of highest possibility.
It is time for a Revolution of Beauty.
We will enter the processes and structures for taking our place in the “great turning”, our place at the front of the wave, the world’s highest possible future that the One calls us to. Life Mission is the evolutionary impulse of the One through us, meant to change, evolve, and transform the world in a particular way, now.
PRE-requisite: Life Mission II & III and/or 2016 Life Mission Survey preparatory telebridge