Through the integration of art, science and spirituality, or the good, the true and the beautiful, a Way is offered to work with the fields of all life, which informs our life and holds the blueprint, creating the life we live.
The Way of the Heart is dedicated to serve the highest story. The fulfillment of our personal and collective destiny that we may live the Way of our Hearts. A Way to transform self-identity, patterns, problems and difficulties and to deepen divine self-awareness, intuition and the power to act from the deep freedom of real choice. The Way of the Heart offers a unique training that blends field work and the art of questioning, learning to both seek and ask deeper questions to facilitate an understanding of what transpires behind what appears.
What if--there is a Way to live our dreams, our Life Mission and at the same time transform and heal the stories and wounds that create limitations trying to take us off our path?

The Way of the Heart was founded by Kimberly Herkert & Daniel Goodenough in 1988, from a desire to serve the highest story, both personally and collectively.

"I have experienced profound results personally and see great potential with how I can use it in my business as I deepen my understanding and practice of The Way of the Heart. Thank you!" -Cynthia B. Publisher

Life Mission
Doing your life mission causes ripples throughout the world. Our world stands on the shoulders of those who followed their visions in the past. Evolution, however you may feel about it, is the by-product of something calling us to a new way.